Proxy Information
If a county committee member has to miss a meeting, that member should submit a proxy to maintain their active member status. TAP HERE for the proxy form. Complete it and send to the RPBC Secretary via email or text message.
(We are not publishing the email and phone# on this page. Members, use the email address that the RPBC emails come from, or Secretary Melanie Elliott's phone#.)
RPA Rules about proxy
Article 1, Section 9 – Proxies
An active member of any committee governed by these rules may issue a written proxy for any meeting of the committee except for meetings of the Executive Committee. An inactive member of a county committee may not issue a proxy. This proxy must be presented to the Secretary of the committee by a qualified elector from the same county of residence as the person giving the proxy. An original signature by the member issuing the proxy that is scanned or faxed is recognized as a valid signature. No person shall present more than two (2) proxies. No person, including persons holding proxies, may cast more than one vote on any issue or election. Proxies may not be voted in the selection of delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention. At any meeting proxies shall be counted for quorum purposes.
Article 2, Section 2 E
If a County Committee Member misses three or more regular consecutive meetings without sending a proxy, that member shall be deemed “inactive” and will not count against quorum while the member is inactive. The inactive member may not issue a proxy pursuant to Article 1 Section 9 and may not serve as a voting member of the County Executive Committee. The member will no longer be considered “inactive” and will be reinstated to active membership upon attending a second consecutive County Committee meeting. If a County Committee Member misses four or more regular consecutive meetings without sending a proxy, the inactive member status shall be referred to the County Executive Committee for recommendations to the County Committee for action up to and including removal from County Committee Membership. Recommendations from the County Executive Committee may be approved by two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the County Committee.